Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Out Now

The publishing business is a funny thing... for months we have breathed, dreamt, wrestled, wept and celebrated the first edition of VOX magazine within our small team - revelling in shared secrets and fragile hopes.

Suddenly, the landscape has changed. VOX is "out now"... it's a paper-and-ink reality and no longer our private domain.

Taking that first copy in my hands was a special experience. But then came a weird reaction. Not disappointment, it's still pretty exciting actually, but an odd, what-do-I-do-now feeling. After all, I've read ever word, agonised over every page, watched as the magazine took shape from blank screen to full-colour final proof. There is nothing left to read that I don't know, if not by heart then close to it.

Other memebers of the team shared a similar feeling. It's a good thing too. Now I'm totally motivated for edition two while the rest of you (hopefully) enjoy digesting the first.

And so it begins again. This time the blank screen is filling rapidly. Ideas take shape. New contributors are lining up. Watch this space... edition two will be "Out Now" on April 6. Bring it on!

RGW (aka The Editor)


Anonymous said...


So good to see the first edition is out in the "market place". The cover gives the impression of vivacity and I look forward to reading inside sometime.

Is there a distribution unit on our island across the water....?

Keep up the good work...

Best regards,

Global Nomad

voxmagazine said...

Thanks for the encouragement. We'd love to send you (or anyone else)a copy of VOX - drop us an email with your address to me at editor@voxmagazine.ie and we'll pop one in the post :)
(aka The Editor)