Monday, December 1, 2008

The last full stop

I have just finished writing my very first Editorial for the very first edition of VOX magazine. Phew!

For those not in the business, an editorial is the last thing to be written. Once I add the final full stop and press save, that's it. Apart from the fine-tuning of graphic design and the endless nit-picking of proof-reading, VOX magazine is ready to go.

I'm still reeling from the experience. Did I get it right? Are we on the right track? Will anyone like what we've done? Will anyone even read it?

The feeling is akin to the moment when a roller coaster reaches its highest point and pauses for a fraction of a second before a stomach-eliminating plunge.

This evening, I was surfing my favourite website (Yes, I know. It says a lot for my rather warped sense of humour.)

I discovered a new Demotivator®. (If I've lost you at this point, I suggest you visit the site for enlightenment. You will understand better if you see it for yourself).

This latest Demotivator® reads: "Blogging - Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few."

Help! Can that be said of this blog? Could that be said of VOX magazine? I sincerely hope not.

RGW (aka The Editor)


niall_leahySJ said...

Just keep on blogging!

Annmarie Miles BTh said...

Hi Editor
don't worry about how many read the blog. No one reads mine either -- but my will to speak is to strong :D
And I'm sure lots of people will read the mag.
God bless for issue ! !

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you have shaped the first editorial for VOX. So glad to hear you are involved. Look forward to first edition soon...

Take care and happy writing....

Global Nomad (aka djs)